Roofing is an essential part of any property, be it residential or commercial. Proper care must be taken while installing the roof, since quality stuff gives you the real value of money. Not all roofing companies offer the same standard of work, which ultimately results in inferior roofing installation. As a consequence, future repairs can cost you heavy on the pocket. Here are a few signs that indicate inferior quality roof installation.

Bumpy Look

From every angle of your home, the roof should look evenly balanced. Asphalt shingles should be placed flat and close together so that dampness doesn’t reach your upper roof. To give you the best protection and appearance, the shingles should be of same color and size. If you notice rough patchwork with no uniformity in size, it indicates untimely replacement of roof.

Rotting Wood In The Attic

A roof without proper ventilation makes way for moisture to be trapped inside the attic. Over a period of time, the damp air can facilitate the growth of mold and mildews leading to warping of shingles and wood rot. Rotten wood can easily sag over time, which will eventually force you to carry out a complete roof replacement.


The main purpose behind designing roofs is to prevent leakage in your home, by tackling extreme weather conditions and excess moisture from getting inside. Roofs with improper installation will have a number of spots where moisture can flourish. Especially during the winter season when the ice is defrosting, droplets can penetrate through the underlayment and dampen your walls. Consider getting it fixed immediately before anything worse happens!

Scratched Shingles

The quality of materials used, and the way they are installed play an important role in its capacity to withstand extreme conditions. Poorly secured shingles can fall victim to severe storms, and you may find a good number of shingles damaged or missing from your roof. Certain securing methods are recommended by the manufacturers, which if not followed can lead to shingles falling off easily. Scratched shingles do not require immediate replacement, but leaving bare patches can increase the leakage risk.

Erratic Roof Flashing

There’s a good chance of improper roof flashing installation, if the shingles run right up to the chimney and halt at the base. Flashing covers the vulnerable points where shingles get in contact with skylights, air vents and chimneys from damaging moisture. When correctly installed, it can direct excess water away from the boundary, gliding it down towards the gutter. If roof flashing is not there, it’s an indication of roof damage. Call an expert to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

Whether you are worried about an aging roof or believe that last replacement was not done in a proper way, GreenTree Construction is here to help you out. Give us a call today or drop an email to schedule a free consultation with us. We will try our best to deal with the present condition and figure out a way to restructure your roof in the best way possible at the most affordable prices.