A home addition is necessary in situations where you need more space, but prefer to remain in the same property as opposed to moving into a new one. It can also allow the home to be further personalized, but in a place like New York it is a serious undertaking that requires permission and a high budget. Below are some things to consider when it comes to home addition in New York.

The Legalities

New York has one of the most expensive and highly regulated property markets in the country, bar none. Anyone who owns property there that intends to make an addition must understand the legal requirements for doing so. This is particularly true within the New York metro area, where space is limited and at a premium. Any addition that will alter the property externally, such as a deck or new room, must be in compliance with zoning laws. Any neighbors who will be affected by the changes should also be notified beforehand; otherwise you could find yourself in an unpleasant confrontation afterwards.

Put Together The Budget

The next most important aspect of making an addition to your property is the establishment of a budget. This is a necessity irrespective of whether you’re wealthy or middle class. The budget is designed to ensure you don’t overspend, and gives you a good idea of what you will be paying for. Getting a quote from a construction firm is the best way to get an accurate assessment of what you can expect to spend for a given project. Always get such quotes from at least two sources to get the greatest deals.

Set Realistic Expectations

What you initially envision for your home’s add-on may not be exactly what you get. This is a reality of property development and is something you should be aware of beforehand. The reason for this is because in the construction business there are often unforeseen difficulties that can arise which force changes to the initial design. In the end, so long as you achieve the main goals of the addition you should accept the outcome. Choosing a professional contractor will greatly increase the chances of getting what you want.

Choose Your Contractor Based On Value, Not Price

If price is the primary factor in determining which contractor you will hire for your home addition, then you’ve already lost. At best you will get a lousy construction team that gives you poor results, and at worst you could be scammed outright. There are a lot of shady people in the construction business, and New York gives them plenty of opportunities to ply their trade.

You should be wary of contractors that talk a good game and offer you prices that just seem too good to be true. The reality is that a quality construction firm in the Tri-State area that is experienced will cost a pretty penny, and the work they perform is worth it. If you don’t have sufficient funds to hire them now, wait until you do.