Are you looking forward to employ interlocking pavers for your patio? Before taking any decision, make sure to count in these factors to get the best possible results.

Easy To Maintain

Even though patio can fabricated with a number of materials, using pavers is the best way to save costs on installation and maintenance. Initial cost may be on the higher side, but you can save a lot in the long run. Repairs are comparatively easier with one paver at a time.

Dig Deeper For Better Results

Before preparing for patio area, make sure to get electrical, cable and plumbing lines marked. Dig a little deeper beneath the root level of vegetation. If the surface is too dry, water it a night before to soften the area.

Segregate The Unwanted Vegetation

Create a barrier between new base of sand and old soil using landscaping cloth. This will prevent any effort of unwanted shrubbery to invade upon your patio area. Make proper calculation of the patio space, and add 10% extra room for the weeds.

Create A Strong Base

Using a tamper or wacker plate compactor, pack in the paver base or sand. You need to lay down pavers on a solid, smooth and level base. Repacking each successive layer of material will make it sturdy.

Have A Proper Plan For Drainage

A flat level patio is an ideal recommendation, but make sure there is enough inclination for drainage. It should ideally make way to an area that can handle extra moisture or a pot meant for drainage itself. For every couple of feet, plan for a quarter inch drop.

Keep The Edges Tight

Pavers are subject to movements, and you need to take measures in order to stabilize the motion. Plan a good solid edge by using a metal or vinyl aging, a solid cement lip and additional pavers. This will help you in minimizing the effect of motion.

Mix A Blend Of Colours

You may want to make your patio space look as attractive as possible, and at the same time, it should also appear natural. Make use of differently colored tiles and wood flooring, along with slight color variations in the pavers. Blend varying piles of bricks and stones so as to avoid any patchwork appearance.

Pack The Cracks Fully

Apply a thick layer of sand over and between the pavers, to avert any scope of developing cracks. Even the smallest of glitch can damage the entire patio space with undesired vegetation growing up, and damaging moisture.

Have A Few Pavers In Stock

It’s always a smart idea to keep a stock of bricks and stones in order to make the repairs easier. You may never know when your paver breaks up. Broken pavers can be easily replaced by snooping them out with a couple of screwdrivers. In case you require a cut-fit, make sure to expurgate it slightly reduced than the original length to allow repacking of sand. Bigger size can be a waste, if it doesn’t fit the purpose. Experienced contractors will help you in this regard!