Roofing is one of the most sensitive areas of the home, due to the fact it is above your head. Its quality of construction, or lack thereof, will determine the amount of leaks you receive and the overall stability. The last thing you should want is problems involving the roof, and yet many homeowners make roofing mistakes which cause or exacerbate it. Below are some of the worst.

Trying To Do The Repairs Yourself To Save Money

Few people want to spend their hard earned money repairing a roof. They would much rather spend their money on a new car, new clothes, or a nice tropical vacation. This is understandable. However, unless you have the experience or formal training in roof construction, attempting to do the job yourself to save money is not only difficult, but is dangerous and can make the problem worse. It isn’t uncommon for homeowners to attempt roof repairs themselves, only to damage it further, increasing the cost of the project overall and if you slip and fall repairing it will be least of your worries.

Hiring The Wrong Contractor

The 80/20 principle states that roughly 80 percent of contractors are a complete waste of time and money. Only 20 percent or less has the experience, dedication, skill and integrity necessary to get the job done right the first time. When seeking someone to repair your roof your goal should be to find a contractor within the top 20 percent while avoiding the worthless contractors who comprise the remaining 80 percent. Many of the best contractors charge high prices (because their services are worth it), but pennywise but pound foolish homeowners go for the cheap, fast talking contractor who promises them the moon but won’t back up a thing they say.

Anyone with internet access has the resources at their fingertips which can allow them to quickly search for and evaluate different contractors in their area. Look for businesses which are listed in the Better Business Bureau, preferably with a grade A or B. Review the work history of a contractor and speak with past clients to get a feel for their services and whether it is right for you.

Buying Roofing Materials Yourself

Homeowners that know little or nothing about roof repair or maintenance should allow a qualified contractor to select the roofing materials. Buying the materials yourself can result in having the wrong quantity of products on hand, and contractors will often have access to superior materials which are more competitive priced, due to the relationships they maintain with suppliers. Roof installation will often be a packaged service and a reputable contractor will provide skilled results with a manufacturer warranty.

Some roofing products will not be good for your roof. Rain diverters can actually cause problems when installed on some roofs as they may force the water beneath the shingles, resulting in damage. Flush mounting skylights can also cause issues due to their limited flange and will often not be able to support large quantities of water. This can result in leaks. Let the roofing contractor advise you on products which work best for your roof.